Words are Powerful

It’s a chilly November day in the Bellevue office. I’m in town taking care of business and encountered an experience that really touched me. During a quick break to the ladies’ room between meetings, my thoughts were racing, paying little attention to my surroundings. I washed my hands while glancing up and was struct by a collage of Post-It notes that had encouraging words on each one. Unable to move, my heart filled with gratitude as I read each one. 

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I read statements like “Don’t forget others, but prioritize YOU,” “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” and “Growth is supposed to be uncomfortable.” One woman started a “movement” of sorts with a single act of kindness and many others followed suit. It literally changed my energy as I walked out the door. To all the ladies in Lincoln Square who took the time to contribute to that collage THANK YOU. This really made my week!

All of us strive to be the best version of ourselves everyday, but it’s so easy to fall victim to negativity. Some battle the imposter syndrome and it is a constant fight to control the negative chatter in your mind. What this display of encouragement reminded me was how important words are and to use them wisely. We also have to practice eliminating the negative thoughts and replace it with something positive.

Remember to be kind, use your words to speak life into people and don’t tear them down. Everyone has something they are dealing with at anytime.  What kind of world would it be if we took better care of ourselves and one another? This simple display on the mirror was a beautiful reminder that it’s the small things that really matter. I want to challenge you to stop and encourage someone today. Also, monitor your thoughts and make sure you are reminding yourself that you are enough. I had to pay it forward and now they have one more note from me. What would your post-it note say?

“Look fear in the face and wink and say you can’t stop me!”